Wednesday, June 30

A Goodbye Par-tay!

On June 11th, we got together with friends to wish our friends Stephanie, Nolan and Sophia good luck in Austin! It was an evening filled with music, ping-pong, and a fierce water gun war! Special thanks to Joel and Joe for helping make their last days in Dallas so special. (The furious little ping-ponging girl is Sophia. Nolan is at the ping-pong table, and the lovely smiling girl in the white chair is their mother, Stephanie.) We love you all and wish you well in Austin!

Lake Palestine!

June 3rd and we were on the road! The family loaded up and headed on over to Lake Palestine to meet up with our extended family. It was a day of fun, sun and ducklings galore! Thanx to Aunt Fannie and Uncle Fatt for the pics!

Earth Day!

The boys came out on April 24th to help Mommy and the Spanish Club celebrate Earth Day by planting a tree. Special thanks to the Pate Family for donating such a beautiful Japanese Maple! It is lovely to look out my classroom window and see such a beautiful symbol of compassion.